Saturday, December 28, 2019

A Fight For Acceptance - 1270 Words

A Fight for Acceptance Throughout history, many individuals have been looked down upon or mistreated due to a social stigma that is linked to a person’s sexual orientation. Members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT+) community have faced scrutiny for being â€Å"different† and â€Å"morally wrong† in the eyes of society. Recently, however, legislation passed a law making same-sex marriage legal in every state. This law changed the lives of many people because those people are now able to freely marry the person that they love, no matter what gender of the two people. Same-sex marriage becoming legal is a huge accomplishment for the LGBT+ community; they have not always had such a large crowd of supporters behind them. Before†¦show more content†¦The raid took place on June 28, 1969, and is considered the starting point of the gay rights movement. The reason it is considered the starting point is because it resulted in the first Gay Pri de parade, which took place on the one year anniversary of the Stonewall riots (Gay Rights Timeline 1). Some other big events for the LGBT+ community included homosexuality no longer being considered a mental illness in 1973, the AIDS crisis of 1981, and Rep. Barney Frank coming out as the first openly gay Congressman in 1987 (Gay Rights Timeline 1). While some of these events were negative and harmful to the people of the LGBT+ community, the world view of homosexuals began to change as the 90’s came to an end and the 2000’s began. Social media became increasingly more popular as the 2000s began, and the way that homosexuals are viewed by society is largely influenced by social media. Many people learn about the LGBT+ community through the internet and social media websites, but the majority of the exposure that some people have to homosexuals is through TV shows. Before the late 90s, it was almost unheard of to have a homosexual on a TV show, much less a whole TV sho w about one or multiple homosexuals. Beginning around 1998, homosexuality began to show up more frequently. Will and Grace was a TV show in which the main character, Will, was openly gay, and he lived with his straight best friend, Grace. Soon after, more and more TV shows began to feature homosexuals. For

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Periodontal Disease ( Dental Plaque ) - 1236 Words

The periodontal diseases are highly prevalent and can affect up to 90% of the worldwide population. Gingivitis ,the mildest form of periodontal disease, is caused by the bacterial bioï ¬ lm (dental plaque) that accumulates on teeth adjacent to the gingiva (gums). However, gingivitis does not affect the underlying supporting structures of the teeth and is reversible. Gingivitis, the mildest form of periodontal disease ,is highly prevalent and readily reversible by simple, effective oral hygiene. Gingivitis affects 50–90% of adults worldwide, depending on its precise deï ¬ nition3. Inï ¬â€šammation that extends deep into the tissues and causes loss of supporting connective tissue and alveolar bone is known as periodontitis. Periodontitis results in the formation of soft tissue pockets or deepened crevices between the gingiva and tooth root. Severe periodontitis can result in loosening of teeth, occasional pain and discomfort, impaired mastication, and eventual tooth loss. Although prevalence estimates differ on the basis of how the disease is deï ¬ ned, the prevalence, severity, and rate of disease progression clearly varies worldwide.4,5. Periodontitis is generally more prevalent in developing countries,6 although disease may not necessarily be extensive or severe in indigenous populations 7. Classification of periodontal diseases and conditions : On October 30–November 2,Show MoreRelatedPrevention Of The Periodontal Disease1218 Words   |  5 PagesMany people are diagnosis with heart disease or suffer from a heart condition each year. Heart disease or cardiovascular disease is developed over time caused via clogged arteries, abnormal heart rhythm, birth defects, excessive smoking, and even excessive consumption of lipids. An assumption of how cardiovascular disease is developed could be associated with periodontal disease. In the study of the periodontal, periodontal disease is inflammation of the surrounding tissue of the gums, teeth, andRead MoreEssay about Periodontal Disease1184 Words   |  5 PagesPeriodontal Disease   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Periodontal disease is more commonly known as gum disease or gingivitis. This infection is serious enough, that it can lead to tooth loss if left untreated. This chronic infection starts around the tooth and it affects the supporting bone and gums. Periodontal disease can affect anywhere from one tooth to all thirty-two teeth. The disease pathology starts with the plaque that builds up on your teeth everyday.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The plaque build up causes the gums to become redRead MorePeriodontal Disease1234 Words   |  5 PagesOctober 2002 Why Periodontal Disease Should be a Concern to All. Periodontal disease is more commonly known as gum disease or gingivitis. This infection is serious enough, that it can lead to tooth loss if left untreated. This chronic infection starts around the tooth and it affects the supporting bone and gums. Periodontal disease can affect anywhere from one tooth to all thirty-two teeth. The disease pathology starts with the plaque that builds up on your teeth everyday. The plaque build up causesRead MoreCause/Effect of Dental Hygiene Essay662 Words   |  3 Pagesthat cavities can lead to even more serious dental problems? Do you know that if you arent practicing good oral hygiene, youre opening the door to dental problems that isnt easy to close? If you dont take care of your teeth,think about how much harder easy life tasks would be for you. It is not that hard to simply brush your teeth twice a day and floss them once. The effects of not having good oral hygiene are cavities, gingivitis, and periodontal disease. A cavity is the least severe effect ofRead MorePeriodontal Disease And Its Effects On The Body1511 Words   |  7 PagesAbstract Periodontal disease is an exaggerated immune response to dental bacterial plaque biofilms. It is broken down into the two categories of gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis affects the gingiva and is marked by a red, swollen, inflamed appearance. Periodontitis affects the entire periodontium and is marked by clinical attachment loss. Autoimmune disorders are caused by a faulty immune system that targets the body’s own cells and attacks the host’s organs causing tissue destructionRead MoreEssay about Symptom, Causes, Prevention, and Treatment of Gingivtis1473 Words   |  6 Pagesform of periodontal disease and is when the gums are inflamed. Periodontal disease is inflammation and infection that destroys the tissues of the gums in the teeth (MedlinePlus n. pag.). Gingivitis typically precedes periodontitis but it is important to understand that not all gingivitis progresses to periodontitis (â€Å"Gum Disease† n. pag.). Most of the time gingivitis is from not brushing and flossing which may cause medical disorders or the use of certain drugs. Gingivitis is a common disease in whichRead MoreSymptoms, Causes, Prevention, and Treatment of Gingivtis Essay1512 Words   |  7 PagesGingivitis is a type of periodontal disease and is when the gums are inflamed. The gums in the teeth destroy the tissues because of the inflammation and infection known as periodontal disease (MedlinePlus n. pag.). Gingivitis typically precedes periodontitis but it is important to understand that not all gingivitis progresses to periodontitis (â€Å"Gum Disease† n. pag.). Most of the time gingivitis is from not brushing and flossing which may lead to the use of certain drugs and source of medical disordersRead MoreThe Role Of Periodontitis As A Risk Factor For Systemic Diseases1397 Words   |  6 Pagesthis research paper, I will be writing about Periodontitis as a risk factor for Systemic Diseases. It has been known that some systemic diseases alter t he presentation and progression of periodontal disease. Evidence suggests that periodontal disease may play a role as a risk factor in developing and management of a serious systemic disease. Periodontal infections have been implicated in cardiovascular disease, preterm and low- birth weight infants, and bacterial pneumonia. In addition, it appearsRead MorePeriodontal Disease And Manual Dexterity1359 Words   |  6 PagesPeriodontal disease and manual dexterity in an aging population Periodontal disease is the fifth most common health problem in Australia (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare [AIHW], 2015). Periodontal disease is associated with large costs to the health system and reduction in the quality of life, and wealth, of Australians (AHMAC Steering Committee for National Planning for Oral Health, 2001). The greatest contributor to the development of periodontal disease is the accumulation of plaqueRead MoreChronic Periodontitis And Its Effects On The Adults And Adults Essay1809 Words   |  8 Pages(Merin, 2015) This periodontal disease of inflammatory origin is thought to be the result of host immune response against bacterial colonies in the subgingival plaque.(Merin, 2015) In many cases, systemic and environmental factors play a significant role in the disease progression. Common risk factors such as uncontrolled diabetes mellitus and smoking, contribute to periodontal destruction in genetically susceptible individuals by modifying the hostâ €™s immune reactions towards periodontal pathogens. Clinically

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Girl In The Dungeon Essay Example For Students

Girl In The Dungeon Essay As a class we looked at a picture called Girl In The Dungeon, it evoked thoughts of depression and grief. From the picture I was able to infer that the girl which appeared in the picture had been deemed an outcast by society and almost left to rot. It is arguable that the girl was locked in the dungeon because her state of mind was questionable, maybe it was seen as almost abnormal or atypical. However, it could also be assumed that the solitude in which the young girl was forced to endure pushed her into an unusual state of mind, possibly leading her to be thought of as mad. When our groups were formed, I worked with Holly, Nancy and Caitlin. We decided that madness could be portrayed in many ways and ultimately could be seen as any form of abnormality. We took this central idea and around it formed a piece of drama involving bullying. We thought that although bullying was neither an abnormality nor form of madness it can result in one experiencing psychological problems which can often lead to or be the cause of madness. We began by choosing that I would be the main character and the person who would experience the four stages of madness: annoyance, fury, rage and eventually madness. I was hot-seated by the three members of my group in order to achieve an insight on my character, although the character traits were thought of on the spot, I found it helpful as it allowed me to perfect my character before beginning the piece of drama. Eventually we began our piece, we decided it would take place in a lunch hall at school, we started with a still image- I was sitting alone and Holly, Nancy and Caitlin were sitting together looking over at me distastefully. I thought the still image was particularly important as it created the atmosphere for the scene as a pose to starting straight away, it also allowed the audience to gain recognition of the main theme running throughout our piece, bullying. While Holly, Caitlin and Nancy were throwing paper balls at me and speaking about me in an upsetting manor, I progressed from being annoyed to becoming mad, through fury and rage. This was most forcefully portrayed by facial expressions and actions including me rocking on my chair and holding my head in my hands to show a furious state. I showed my state of mind had developed into madness by eventually storming out of the lunch hall, this was effective as it was not what the audience were expecting; it was a sudden outburst of fury resulting in madness which I found shocked the audience and also allowed the audience to sympathize with my character. Aristotle held that the protagonist of a play should be an individual who is neither defined by being good or evil, rather someone more ordinary with a mixed nature, characterised by having both good and bad traits. In this way the protagonist becomes more relatable to the viewer, thus giving way to their sympathies. The painting The Scream by Edward Munch reinforced the ideas of grief and unusualness which were explored in Girl In The Dungeon, because the painting is distorted it can be suggested it was painted in this way to provoke our thoughts of normality, and allow us to understand how somebody who is not thought as normal sees surrounding objects. The environment of The Scream can be compared to that of which an individual suffering from experiences, such as a feeling of distortion of the environment and ones self. The image may represent the pain and agony experienced naturally, however, in the background two men in black can be seen. .u9d5b37f038cef971a619168629d29aab , .u9d5b37f038cef971a619168629d29aab .postImageUrl , .u9d5b37f038cef971a619168629d29aab .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9d5b37f038cef971a619168629d29aab , .u9d5b37f038cef971a619168629d29aab:hover , .u9d5b37f038cef971a619168629d29aab:visited , .u9d5b37f038cef971a619168629d29aab:active { border:0!important; } .u9d5b37f038cef971a619168629d29aab .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9d5b37f038cef971a619168629d29aab { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9d5b37f038cef971a619168629d29aab:active , .u9d5b37f038cef971a619168629d29aab:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9d5b37f038cef971a619168629d29aab .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9d5b37f038cef971a619168629d29aab .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9d5b37f038cef971a619168629d29aab .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9d5b37f038cef971a619168629d29aab .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9d5b37f038cef971a619168629d29aab:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9d5b37f038cef971a619168629d29aab .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9d5b37f038cef971a619168629d29aab .u9d5b37f038cef971a619168629d29aab-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9d5b37f038cef971a619168629d29aab:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Fragile creatures are we humans EssayThey are not distorted but standing straight and clearly, suggesting they are in fact the people who are imposing pain onto the main figure in the painting. When looking at the painting I believe it can be interpreted in several ways, it can be seen that the person in the image is projecting a silent scream that cannot be heard; it can also be assumed that the fact the persons ears are being covered suggests it is not the person that is screaming but the scream may in fact come from natures anxieties of life which distressingly is heard by the one person, while the others are deafened and not aware of it and hence in black, a neutral co lour. What is most noticeable about this painting is the normality of everything else besides the man screaming, it may, therefore, be perceived as an inner scream which we all feel sometimes when an agony that we must keep silent about comes to a head. Unless we are insane, we keep the resulting desire to scream in despair and fear inside. We are torn apart inside while outside everything goes on as normal. This painting captures both the inner scream and the normality around. After considering these possibilities Holly, Lucy, Cecilia and I devised a drama piece revolving around the interpretation of an inner-scream. We plugged this idea into a more modern and understandable concept, Cecilia and Lucy were both being interviewed for a top city job in banking, and Holly and I were the people holding the interviews. Lucy was particularly confident with successful figures whereas Cecilia was unprepared and not as confident, often questioning her own accomplishments. Before Cecilias interview and after Lucys we created a flashback, it went back to the morning before the interview where both interviewees were preparing for the day, Cecilia looked at herself in the mirror unsure and unconfidently whereas Lucy was the complete opposite. The flashback gave the audience an insight on both characters, and portrayed Cecilias subtle inner-scream. A flashback can be described as an unexpected but vivid recurrence of a past experience; it was a transition to the earlier event interrupting the normal chronological development of the piece of drama. I thought this was effective as not only did it change the tone of the piece, making it more interesting, but also allowed the audience to grasp a further understanding on our interpretation of The Scream through a modern concept. One of the stimuli was a play by David Campton, Cagebirds, which explores how barriers in our minds and thoughts allow barriers to form in our societies. There is a strong element of self-imposed isolation within the cage, the birds seem to talk to each other, but they do not communicate as each sings their own song. The birds seem to represent human characteristics vanity, greed, insecurity etc. So the question is, are we really looking at six birds in a cage, or are we looking at ourselves? When discussing the stimuli in pairs, Honor and I questioned that a stone wall may make a prison, but even when the wall is gone, does that immediately imply freedom?

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

arsenic and old lace review Essay Example For Students

arsenic and old lace review Essay Arsenic and Old LaceBeginning with acts such as Abbott and Costello, and episodes of I Love Lucy, humor is often the result of a misunderstanding. In the movie, Arsenic and Old Lace, the plot combines murder and insanity. Arsenic and Old Lace, seemingly outlines a mystery or drama, however with the addition of misunderstanding, it becomes a comedy. The humor is drawn from the characters relationships with one another as well as the characters themselves, being misunderstood. The movie centers on two sisters, Abby and Martha, and their nephew Mortimer. The misunderstanding lies between the sisters and the townspeople. Abby and Martha are known as sweet, kind, and charitable, however, the town is oblivious to the sisters hobby of poisoning old men and burying them in their cellar. There is even a misunderstanding with the sisters themselves, as they see nothing wrong with what they do, and make no attempt to hide it. Yet, the humor of the movie is when their nephew, Mortimer, finds the bodies, and is quite flustered to discover how his aunts treat it with such nonchalance. Humor is also found in the misunderstanding between Mortimer and his Brewster family. Throughout the entire movie, Mortimer finds himself ashamed of his Brewster name. He discovers that his aunts keep twelve bodies in the basement. Mortimer also receives a visit from his lunatic brother John, who, like his aunts, murders people. While Mortimer discovers more about his insane family, he still must deal with his brother Theodore, who believes that he is President Roosevelt. Finally, Mortimer commits his brother Theodore along with his aunts to an insane asylum. The humor in this scene is at the very end of the movie when Mortimer finds out from his aunts that he is not really a Brewster, rather a son of a sea boat captain. Arsenic and Old Lace, is not the typical comedy, yet contains all of the elements necessary to fit into the humor genre. The idea of being misunderstood is one so common; it has appeared in many films, both drama and comedy. Arsenic and Old Lace contains a plot that is unique. The movies ideas alone are common, yet together they mix an unusual blend of humor.